Computer scammers are becoming very pro-active and aggressive. They can call you or open a chat window on your computer. They can tell you that they are from Microsoft. They get your phone numbers from social sites and companies that sell lists of contacts. Sometimes a legitimate website, such as, can become compromised. Then everyone who visits the site will also get a piece of malware that can allow the attackers to open chat windows, run software hidden from you, or even run illegal websites from your computer without your knowledge.
Once the attackers contact you, they will tell you that your computer is infected and you are going to lose all your data and damage your computer. Then to fix your computer they will want money and personal information. They will tell you to change settings in your computer or download something. DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY OR INFORMATION! DON’T EVEN TALK WITH THEM! People in the local area have been telling me that the phone calls have been from people with heavy Indian accents. These callers have been very rude and aggressive and they keep calling incessantly.
If you have phone calls or pop ups of any kind claiming you have viruses or malware, please have someone knowledgeable check out your situation and help you. Just because you have an anti-virus program does not mean you are impervious to infections.
